HGH therapy El Segundo , CA - Renewal Hormone Clinic

Understanding HGH Deficiency

Human growth hormone (HGH) is an essential hormone produced in the pituitary gland. As we age, HGH production typically declines, leading to lower energy levels, changes in body composition, and other effects associated with aging. HGH deficiency can occur at any age and timely diagnosis and treatment are important.

Symptoms of HGH deficiency include:

HGH injections can help treat hormone deficiency. Our knowledgeable physicians at Renewal Hormone Clinic specialize in hormone therapies to help patients feel their best at any age.

Benefits of HGH Replacement Therapy

HGH therapy aims to restore hormone levels through injections, which are typically self-administered 3-5 times per week. When used appropriately under medical supervision, HGH offers a variety of benefits:

The goal of HGH therapy is not to achieve super-physiological levels, but to restore hormones to more youthful levels for optimal health and wellbeing.

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Getting Started with HGH Therapy

The first step is having your hgh levels thoroughly evaluated by an experienced hormone specialist. A physical exam and discussion of symptoms are also important to determine if HGH therapy is appropriate.

Required lab tests prior to starting hgh therapy include:

If hormone deficiency is identified, a customized HGH therapy plan can be developed to meet your unique needs and goals. Lifestyle factors like nutrition, exercise, and stress management also play an important role.

Renewal Hormone Clinic physicians have extensive training in hgh and other hormone therapies. We utilize advanced diagnostic testing and only prescribe bioidentical hormones from trusted pharmacies. As an established clinic serving the El Segundo area and surrounding communities for over 10 years, our commitment is to provide personalized care aimed at restoring wellness and vitality.

Additional Considerations

Key Takeaways about HGH Therapy

This informational content is for general educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Talk to your doctor if you have any health concerns or before starting any exercise, nutrition, or hormone therapy program.

Interesting fact

While often associated with illegal performance enhancement, HGH therapy is actually FDA-approved to treat growth hormone deficiency that causes short stature in children. When prescribed properly by a doctor, HGH injections can help children reach an average adult height they would not attain naturally.

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